Located in The Shoppes at the Village Center

       - home of Lakeside's WME Village 8 Theaters

1477 W White Mountain Blvd, Suite 3
Lakeside, AZ 85929

CALL/TEXT  928.821.6878

Abundant Life Well-Being

Pain Neutralization Technique (PNT)

This innovative no-needle use of acupuncture meridians was the brainchild of Dr. Stephen Kaufman, a Denver-based chiropractor and acupuncturist. Objective symptoms (trigger points) are treated through pleasant gentle pressure techniques which neutralize nerve reflexes that are in turn causing subjective discomfort (via myofascial trigger point obstruction). While incorporating acupuncture meridian theory within the blended theories utilized in PNT's development, these techniques do differ from traditional acupressure or trigger-point techniques.

PNT has been validated by many, many various doctors and acupuncturists. It’s very effective for chronic pain/symptoms and can improve range of motion, offering almost miraculous results in an amazingly short period of time, usually in minutes.